A scheduling conflict was found when saving appointment from Exchange to Microsoft Dynamics 365
This article provides a resolution for an email server error code "ExchangeSyncSchedulingConflictsError" that occurs when saving an appointment from Exchange to Microsoft Dynamics 365.
Applies to: Microsoft Dynamics 365
Original KB number: 4340070
The following error message is logged in the Alerts section of a Dynamics 365 mailbox record:
A scheduling conflict was found when saving appointment <appointment subject> from Exchange to Microsoft Dynamics 365 because <user> is unavailable at this time. Do you want to ignore the conflict and save anyway?
Email Server Error Code: ExchangeSyncSchedulingConflictsError
If you view the Server-Side Synchronization Failures dashboard, you might see an appointment in the Appointments, Contacts, and Tasks Failed To Sync section with a Sync Error value of ExchangeSyncSchedulingConflictsError
This error is logged if you track an Outlook appointment in Dynamics 365 but server-side synchronization detects a scheduling conflict with another appointment you have at the same time.
To fix this issue, follow these steps:
- Sign in to the Dynamics 365 web application as a user with the "System Administrator" role.
- Navigate to Settings > Email Configuration, and then select Mailboxes.
- Open your mailbox record.
- Select the Alerts section on the left side of the form.
- Locate the alert mentioned in the Symptoms section of this article.
- Move your mouse over the alert, and you should see options for Yes or No.
- If you want the appointment to be created in Dynamics 365, select Yes.
- The next time server-side synchronization processes your mailbox, the appointment should be created in Dynamics 365. This action might take up to 15 minutes.