Troubleshoot OpenTelemetry issues in Spring Boot native image applications

This article discusses how to troubleshoot OpenTelemetry issues in Spring Boot native image applications.

Step 1: Verify the OpenTelemetry version

You might notice the following message during the application startup:

WARN  c.a.m.a.s.OpenTelemetryVersionCheckRunner - The OpenTelemetry version is not compatible with the spring-cloud-azure-starter-monitor dependency.
The OpenTelemetry version should be <version>

In this case, you have to import the OpenTelemetry Bills of Materials by following the OpenTelemetry documentation in the Spring Boot starter.

Step 2: Enable self-diagnostics

If something doesn't work as expected, you can enable self-diagnostics at the DEBUG level to get some insights. To do so, set the self-diagnostics level to ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, or TRACE by using the APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_SELF_DIAGNOSTICS_LEVEL environment variable.

To enable self-diagnostics at the DEBUG level when running a docker container, run the following command:



Replace <image-name> with the docker image name accordingly.

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