Take your first steps with Vue.js

Azure Static Web Apps

Vue.js is a progressive web framework allowing developers to get up and running quickly, with the addition of a script tag. However, Vue.js can also grow with you, and can be used to create large scalable applications.

In this learning path, you'll:

  • Explore the core concepts of Vue.js.
  • Practice displaying lists and conditional data.
  • Work with forms and events.
  • Create components by using Vue CLI.


HTML/CSS, Git, npm, and JavaScript

Modules in this learning path

Vue.js is a progressive web framework that allows developers to get up and running quickly, with just the addition of a script tag. But Vue.js can also grow with you. You can use it to create large scalable applications. In this module, you'll explore the core concepts of Vue.js and how to get started.

One of the goals of any web framework is to update the display based on data values. This module explores how to make your page dynamic based on those values and how to display lists of information.

Dynamic web applications typically allow users to interact with the page and data. In this module, you'll see how to add forms to a Vue.js page and respond to user events. You'll also see how to add computed values that can be calculated based on updates to the data.

Although it's possible to create Vue.js applications by using purely JavaScript, most developers need more power and flexibility. By using Vue CLI and single-file components, you can use more robust tooling to enhance the development experience. We'll see how to use Vue CLI to bootstrap an application, and how to create reusable components in Vue.