Use basic formulas to make better Power Apps canvas apps

Do you want to use formulas to improve functionality and change a behavior in your Power Apps canvas app? This learning path can help you accomplish your goal.


  • Basic understanding of how to create canvas apps in Power Apps.

Modules in this learning path


App in a Day instructor-led training

Continue your learning journey with the App in a Day instructor-led workshop. This course provides hands-on experience for building custom apps! Browse training events.

Want to enhance or customize your Power Apps canvas app? You can use easy-to-write formulas to make changes in your app that include changing the format or position of controls, do simple math calculations, or implement conditional formatting in your design.


App in a Day instructor-led training

Continue your learning journey with the App in a Day instructor-led workshop. This course provides hands-on experience for building custom apps! Browse training events.

Learn how to enhance and customize your Power Apps canvas app using basic formulas to make behavior changes to your app such as controlling the visibility or display mode of your controls and visuals.


App in a Day instructor-led training

Continue your learning journey with the App in a Day instructor-led workshop. This course provides hands-on experience for building custom apps! Browse training events.

Do you want to use tables and records and filter data in your canvas app? This module will focus on the differences between a table and a record and how to utilize both within your Power Apps canvas app.