The Workplace Analytics web app is being rebranded to Viva Insights in the next few months. As mentioned in this module, Workplace Analytics refers to the web app with advanced analysis tools and accelerators available to those who are assigned the Analyst, Limited Analyst, or Admin role.
The success of any business can largely be attributed to the attention it gives to customers, partners, and other external parties. In today's world, customer expectations are constantly evolving and growing. Taking the time to understand customer needs, improve products, and foster long-term relationships is more important than ever. With Workplace Analytics and Viva Insights, you can gain valuable insights into collaboration relating to customer focus. You can use this analysis to uncover work patterns that can lead to improved customer focus and sales success.
Imagine you are leading a Sales analytics team. Your Sales leaders want to understand how employees spend their time with key accounts and if that time is effective. They want to use collaboration data to strategize how to improve sales effectiveness, enhance sales performance, and more easily reach sales targets. To date, information about sales effectiveness has come from sales data based on accounts, contacts, and revenue, rather than real-time collaboration activities.
You know that Microsoft 365 collaboration metrics can be measured with Workplace Analytics data and that you can integrate it with sales-related outcome data, as well as account and contact information from your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) database. Knowing this, you can then use Workplace Analytics to build a customer focus analysis that brings collaboration into the equation to help your sales leaders make informed decisions about how to help improve sales effectiveness.
Learning objectives
In this module, you'll learn to:
- Explain how your organization can benefit by using Workplace Analytics to improve customer focus.
- Understand the many ways you can analyze collaboration data to improve customer focus.
- Determine project scoping, data requirements, and how you can create value with your customer focus analysis.
- Know which Microsoft 365 tools you can use to effectively track and manage customer focus initiatives.
- Familiarity with Workplace Analytics data sources and metrics.
- Basic knowledge of the Query designer, queries, and query structure.
- Familiarity with the Ways of working assessment dashboard in Power BI.