Product management
Commerce contains a product creation and management framework that facilitates streamlined processes by allowing for the creation of data once and then extending that data to multiple legal entities. With this framework, duplicate entry is unnecessary.
The two types of products are:
- Products
- Product masters
When both products are fully configured, they are configured at the global level and are not yet available to be used anywhere in the system. They must be released to the legal entities in which they will be used. This approach allows for a single consistent setup of an item that can then be used and managed differently for legal entity-specific requirements.
Products are single inventoriable items that are managed and categorized as a single SKU or barcode. Product masters are single products that have multiple variations of the same product, called product variants.
Each variant is a separate product with its own barcode.
Product masters
Product masters can create product variant combinations by using a product dimension group that defines which product dimensions are valid for the product: Size, Color, Style, and Configuration.
For example, a t-shirt might be considered a specific product for reporting purposes, but it is sold in different specifications such as small, medium, or large, or blue, red, or green. The combination of these specifications can result in many different items with their own inventories and barcodes. Some combinations might not be valid for all items.
Variant suggestions
The Variant suggestions functionality in Retail and Commerce > Products and categories > Product variants is used to automatically create combinations of items based on the values in the product dimensions. If no new dimensions are available to generate, the system will indicate that information.
Watch the following video to learn how to create a Commerce product.