Exercise- Create and post an inventory journal
In this exercise, you create an inventory counting journal. To complete this exercise, you must have the Contoso demo data installed and be working in the USMF legal entity.
Follow these steps to create an inventory counting journal:
Go to Inventory management > Journal entries > Items counting > Counting.
Select New on the Action Pane.
In the Name field, select Inventory counting journal.
The Description and Journal auto populate.
Select Site 1 and Warehouse 11 by using the dropdown menu.
Select OK.
Expand the Journal lines FastTab, and then select New to add a new line.
In the Item number field, select item A0001 from the dropdown menu.
Select 11 in the Location field.
Notice the current On-hand quantity. In the Counted field, enter an amount that isn't equal to the On-hand quantity.
Notice that the Quantity field populates with the difference of the On-hand and Counted quantity.
Select Validate on the Action Pane and then select OK.
Select Post on the Action Pane and then select OK.