Exercise – Create a default functional location, and assign it as the default


For this exercise, you will create a new default functional location that is used in Asset Management. When you have created a new default functional location, assign it to Asset management parameters so the system knows to automatically assign the default functional location to installed assets.


Before you can complete this exercise, you will need to have functional location types configured. To learn how to create functional location types, see the Exercise – Create functional location types in Set up functional locations in Asset Management for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management.


  1. Go to Asset Management > Functional locations > All functional locations.
  2. On the All functional locations page, select New on the Action Pane.
  3. In the Functional location field, enter 01.
  4. In the Name field, enter Default Location.
  5. In the Functional location type field, select a functional location type.
  6. Select OK to create the new functional location.
  7. Set this functional location as the default functional location in the Asset management parameters by going to Asset Management > Setup > Asset management parameters.
  8. On the Assets tab, select 01 from the Default functional location drop-down list.
  9. Select Save and close the page.