Understand computed properties


By using the handlebars syntax ({{ }}), you can display values and inject JavaScript into your HTML. This syntax is powerful, but it can lead to confusing or repetitive code. You can use computed properties in Vue to offload calculations and other forms of dynamic strings.

Create a computed property

Similarly to how methods are added under a methods field, computed properties are added to the computed field. A computed property is a function that returns a value. Like a method, a computed property can access the active instance of Vue by using this.

You can use computed properties to combine firstName and lastName into a fullName property, do lookups in an array to return the correct value, or do other dynamic tasks.

Further, a computed property is reactive. If any values in the computed property change, the computed property is updated to reflect the change.

The following example creates a fullName.

const app = Vue.createApp({
    data() {
        return {
            firstName: 'Cheryl',
            lastName: 'Smith'
    computed: {
        fullName() {
            return `${this.lastName}, ${this.firstName}`

A string literal concatenates the lastName and firstName fields.