

In this module, you learned about you can discover, consume, share and recommend learning content using Viva Learning. You also learned where the learning contents in Viva Learning come from, where the data is stored, and where to find conditions and terms. You've seen some examples of how Viva Learning has helped employees and organizations to learn and grow. Some of these examples include developing professional skills, learning domain knowledge, onboarding newly hired employees, and meeting compliance training requirements.

Key takeaways

  • Access multiple learning sources all in one place: You can access learning content from Microsoft Learn, Microsoft 365, LinkedIn learning, your organization’s SharePoint folders, its supported LMSs and licensed third-party content providers all from Viva Learning inside of Teams.
  • Create personalized learning: You can search and find learning content and bookmark them. You can set aside time on your calendar for each learning content from Viva Learning.
  • Share learning content via Teams chats or channels: You can share learning contents by sending them in Teams chat or adding them to a tab in a Teams channel.
  • Recommend learning content to your team and track the recommended learning: You can recommend learning content to your team members and see the status of their learning under the Manage tab.
  • Learning content and their related information is stored at both Viva Learning and each of the learning sources. Therefore, each learning content has to follow terms and policies from both the learning source and Microsoft 365 and Teams products.
