Conduct common troubleshooting procedures


By the end of this unit, you should be able to describe procedures for common operational status checks and some common problems you may encounter.

What reasons might cause the job I submitted to Azure Cyclecloud to be stuck in the pending (PD) state?

A job in the PD (pending) state indicates that although a job has been submitted, Cyclecloud hasn't yet found any available nodes to run the job. This could be due to many reasons, such as insufficient resources, incorrect job specifications, or node failures.

When configuring a job script, you must ensure that the resources requested are within cluster's limits. This is because the scheduler kills the job once the time allocated is up, even if the job demands more time or the job will be stuck in the queue forever if the job demands more memory than what's available on the system.

What steps can I take to determine whether nodes have been requested for my Azure Cyclecloud job?

You can use the Slurm squeue command to check the job status.

What is the location of Slurm logs for nodes/schedulers? (Slurm)

In Azure CycleCloud, the location of Slurm logs for nodes and schedulers depends on your Slurm cluster's configuration. By default, the logs are stored in the following locations:

The Slurm controller logs are typically stored in /var/log/slurm/slurmctld.log on the controller node. The exact path might vary depending on your configuration. You can find the log file path by checking the SlurmctldLogFile parameter in the Slurm configuration file (usually /etc/slurm/slurm.conf).

The Slurm compute node logs are typically stored in /var/log/slurm/slurmd.log on each compute node. The exact path might vary depending on your configuration. You can find the log file path by checking the SlurmdLogFile parameter in the Slurm configuration file (usually /etc/slurm/slurm.conf).

To access the log files, you can sign in to the controller or compute nodes via SSH and navigate to the appropriate log file paths. If you need to change the log file paths, you can modify the SlurmctldLogFile and SlurmdLogFile parameters in the Slurm configuration file.

How do I submit jobs? (Slurm)

To submit jobs to Azure CycleCloud when using Slurm as the job scheduler, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your Azure CycleCloud instance.
  2. Identify the cluster to which you want to submit the job. You can view the list of your clusters on the main dashboard.
  3. Connect to your Slurm cluster's head node (controller) using SSH.
  4. Once connected to the head node, create a Slurm job script. The job script is a simple shell script that contains Slurm directives and the commands you want to execute in your job.
  5. Submit the job using the sbatch command.
  6. Monitor your job's status using Slurm commands such as squeue, sinfo, or sacct.
  7. Once the job is complete, you can view the output in the specified output file (in this example, my_job_output.txt).