Exercise: Create and apply a style


In this exercise, you define and apply a page-level style in the Tip Calculator application.

This exercise is a continuation of the previous exercise. Either use your existing solution as the starting point for these steps, or open the TipCalculator project in the exercise3/TipCalculator folder in the repository that you cloned in the first exercise.

Define a style

Let's start by implementing a "size 22 Bold" font style for the labels. Store the style in a page-level dictionary.

  1. In the TipCalculator project, open the StandardTipPage.xaml file.

  2. Add a Style to the page's resource dictionary, after the existing resources. Use an x:Key value of infoLabelStyle and a TargetType value of Label.

            <Style x:Key="infoLabelStyle" TargetType="Label">
  3. Add a Setter instance that sets the FontSize property of the style to the value in the fontSize resource.

  4. Add another Setter that sets the FontAttributes property to Bold.

    <Style x:Key="infoLabelStyle" TargetType="Label">
        <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="{StaticResource fontSize}" />
        <Setter Property="FontAttributes" Value="Bold" />

Apply the style

  1. Locate the three Label controls that use a FontSize value of {StaticResource fontSize} and a FontAttributes value of Bold. Remove these property assignments from the labels.

  2. Use the StaticResource mark-up extension to assign the infoLabelStyle style to these three labels:

    <!-- Left column = static labels -->
    <Label x:Name="billLabel"  Text="Bill"  ... Style="{StaticResource infoLabelStyle}" ... />
    <Label x:Name="tipLabel"   Text="Tip"   ... Style="{StaticResource infoLabelStyle}" ... />
    <Label x:Name="totalLabel" Text="Total" ... Style="{StaticResource infoLabelStyle}" ... />
  3. Run the app. The app should look exactly like it did before. However, the font attributes for the labels are now being set with a style.

Change the font style

Let's take a look at how it's easy to update styles.

  1. Go back to your style in the resource dictionary and change the fontSize resource to 32.

  2. Run the app again to view the changes. The three labels for Bill, Tip, and Total should be bigger.

  3. Change the fontSize resource back to 22.

Create a base style

Let's expand the implementation of the StandardTipPage page by adding a base style. You define a new Style with values that overlap with the Style that you created in the previous steps. Then, you refactor this new style in the next part of this exercise.

  1. Open the StandardTipPage.xaml file.

  2. Add another Style to the page's resource dictionary. Use an x:Key value of baseLabelStyle and a TargetType value of Label.


    Define this style above the infoLabelStyle style. This positioning is important later when you inherit from this style. A style can only inherit from another style that is already in scope.

  3. Add a Setter that sets the FontSize property. Notice that this setter is a repetition of the setter from the earlier infoLabelStyle.

            <Style x:Key="baseLabelStyle" TargetType="Label">
                <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="{StaticResource fontSize}" />
  4. Apply the new baseLabelStyle to the two labels on the page that display the calculated amounts for the tip and the total. Remove the explicit FontSize settings from these labels. The following code shows an example.

    <!-- Right column = user input and calculated-value output -->
    <Label x:Name="tipOutput"   Text="0.00" TextColor="Navy" Style="{StaticResource baseLabelStyle}" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" />
    <Label x:Name="totalOutput" Text="0.00" TextColor="Navy" Style="{StaticResource baseLabelStyle}" Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="1" />
  5. Run the application. Verify that the values for the calculated Tip and Total amounts (containing the values 0.00) are still styled correctly.

Use style inheritance

You're now ready to refactor your styles by using inheritance. Refactoring lets you eliminate the repeated use of the FontSize setter.

  1. Open the StandardTipPage.xaml file.

  2. Locate the infoLabelStyle style in the page's resource dictionary. Ensure that this style is below the baseLabelStyle in the resource dictionary.

  3. Set the BasedOn property for the infoLabelStyle style to baseLabelStyle. Remove the setter for FontSize. You no longer need it because this style now inherits the FontSize setting from the base style.

            <Style x:Key="baseLabelStyle" TargetType="Label">
                <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="{StaticResource fontSize}" />
            <Style x:Key="infoLabelStyle" BasedOn="{StaticResource baseLabelStyle}" TargetType="Label">
                <Setter Property="FontAttributes" Value="Bold" />


    The order of the resources in the resource dictionary is important. The baseLabelStyle style must be defined before any other styles that reference it otherwise style inheritance doesn't work.

  4. Run the app and verify that the styles for the labels and calculated amounts are still styled correctly.