Set up supply chain calendars


Supply chain calendars are used in master planning to calculate the shipping and receiving dates in the planned orders. The different calendars used in the master planning engine include the calendar for a coverage group and the calendar for a vendor. The coverage group indicates a common set of parameters used for replenishment of the items that belong to the given coverage group. To add a calendar for a coverage group, go to Master Planning > Setup > Coverage > Coverage groups. To indicate the working days of a vendor, you can assign a purchase calendar to the vendor on the Purchase order defaults page for a vendor. Master planning calculates what to produce based on general demand, such as sales orders and sales quotations, on-hand inventory, transfer orders, production lines, minimum inventory requirements, kanban lines, and projects. Master planning uses the information to calculate the requirements and generate planned orders such as purchase orders, transfer orders, production orders, and kanban.

Definition of a calendar

Calendars can be defined for your organization to use in the page in Organization administration > Setup > Calendars > Calendars.

The Control column in the Working times page allows for specifying each date entry in a calendar as an open, closed, or base calendar.

  • Open - Indicates that work is performed on the selected day. The calendar will be updated according to the working time template.

  • Closed - Indicates work that is not performed during the day.

  • Base calendar - Indicates that the specific date will inherit the working times and open/closed from the base calendar. Therefore, when the base calendar is updated, the selected calendar will inherit operation times from it.

For any closed dates, the Closed for pickup checkbox will automatically be assigned. For open dates, you can manually select the Closed for pickup option. This indicates that work is performed on the date, but shipping is not performed.

Calendar for vendors

You can assign a purchase calendar to the vendor on the Purchase order defaults page to indicate the working days of a vendor.

To set a calendar for a vendor, you need to create the calendar in Organization Administration > Calendars > Calendars. When the calendar is created, you have to assign it to the vendor. Go to Accounts Payable > Vendors > All vendors and select the vendor that you want to assign the calendar to. On the vendor's page on the Purchase order defaults FastTab, assign the new purchase calendar using the drop-down menu.

The calendar for a vendor indicates the days on which they accept the placement of the purchase order and the dates when they can deliver the orders to your company. Consequently, the order dates for purchase orders for the vendor with a purchase calendar will be dates defined as open in the calendar. The delivery dates for those orders will also be in open days and thus will impact the lead time of the purchased item.

Define lead time for purchased item

To specify the purchase lead time for an item, you need to go to the Default order settings page for the product, found under Product information management > Products > Released products, and select Default order settings.

Define lead times from trade agreements page

Master planning can be set up to include all trade agreements for vendors. Trade agreements are fixed prices or discount agreements that are set up for one or more customers or vendors for the sale or purchase of individual or multiple products. Go to Master planning > Setup > Master planning parameters, and on the Planned orders tab, select Find trade agreements to include the trade agreements when planning. Master planning can select the vendor with the Minimum lead time or with the Lowest unit price.

Calendar for warehouse

You can assign a calendar to a warehouse to indicate the open dates for receiving and shipping. If no calendar is assigned to a warehouse, the system assumes that the warehouse is open every day.

Closed for pickup policy

To indicate that a warehouse is open for receiving but that pickup isn't possible, you can set the Closed for pickup policy field in the warehouse calendar. This setting also applies to customer pickups.

Transport calendar

To indicate the dates when shipping transfer orders can be shipped from a "from" warehouse, you can assign a transport calendar. You can set up a transport calendar for each mode of delivery, or for each mode of delivery and "from" warehouse.

To set up a transport calendar, go to Sales and marketing > Setup > Distribution > Modes of delivery, select a mode of delivery, and then select Transport calendar.

You can create a line for each warehouse and mode of delivery. The Transport calendar column specifies the transport calendar that's applied when goods are shipped from the warehouse that uses the mode of delivery.

To apply a transport calendar to all shipments that use a specific mode of delivery, regardless of the warehouse, create a line where no warehouse is specified.

If no transport calendar is assigned, the system assumes that all days are open for transport.

Calendar for customer

To indicate the dates when a customer can accept deliveries, you can assign a receipt calendar to the customer. If no calendar is assigned to a customer, the system assumes that the customer can receive orders every day.

This setup affects the receipt date on sales order lines. If the date that you select on the sales order lines isn't open in the customer calendar, the system indicates that the receipt date isn't valid.

Only one calendar can be assigned to each customer. If a customer has multiple addresses, and you must include a calendar for each address, you can create one customer per address and then assign the appropriate calendar to each customer.

The requested receipt date on the sales order lines is affected by the customer calendar and by the delivery date control method.

To indicate the dates when a legal entity can ship goods, you can set up a shipping calendar for it. Go to Organization administration > Organizations > Legal entities, select the legal entity, and then on the Foreign trade and logistics tab, in the Shipping calendar field, add the calendar. The shipping calendar acts as a source of default values for all warehouse calendars in the legal entity.