

The AI assistant Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft Power Pages uses your natural language description of your website to create an external-facing website based on your specific use case. Copilot guides you through the steps of design and addition of common site pages to include in your site, all based on your prompt. As you go through the initial design, you can select templates to jumpstart the site and reduce the time spent on placing visual elements on the Power Pages site. You can select from common pages, such as FAQ and Contact Us, and they're included in the site. Copilot helps you accelerate the creation and editing of the site, but you can edit all elements that it provides by using the native Power Pages tools.

Diagram of Copilot and an About Us page that it created.

In this module, you explore the creation of a site from blank by using Copilot and learn how Copilot can help you edit existing sites.