Application programming interfaces (APIs)


An application programming interface (API) is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications. The aim of APIs is to help developers build intelligent applications without having direct AI or data science skills.

The API is the interface between the developer's code and the components of complex AI systems. For example, the goal of Azure Cognitive Services is to help developers create applications that can see, hear, speak, understand, and even begin to reason. It enables developers to create innovative applications to transform business and society.

APIs can be categorized into families.

Decision APIs

  • Anomaly detector
  • Content moderator
  • Personalizer

Image of an icon set showing the types of decision application programming interfaces mentioned in the narrative.

Language APIs

  • Language understanding LUIS
  • QnA maker
  • Text analytics
  • Form recognizer
  • Video indexer

Image of an icon set showing the types of language application programming interfaces mentioned in the narrative.

Search APIs

  • Bing news search
  • Bing video search
  • Bing web search
  • Bing Autosuggest
  • Bing custom search
  • Bing entity search
  • Bing image search
  • Bing visual search
  • Bing local business search (BLBS)
  • Bing spell check

Image of an icon set showing the types of search application programming interfaces mentioned in the narrative.

Speech APIs

  • Speech services
  • Speaker recognition
  • Bing search
  • Translator speech

Image of an icon set showing the types of speech application programming interfaces mentioned in the narrative.

Vision APIs

  • Computer vision
  • Custom vision service
  • Face API
  • Form recognizer
  • Ink recognizer
  • Video indexer

Image of an icon set showing the types of vision application programming interfaces mentioned in the narrative.