Exercise - Work with resources


In this unit, you learn how to create and find different types of resources in the Azure portal.

Activate the Azure sandbox

  1. Start by selecting the Activate sandbox button at the top of this page.

  2. Once it's activated, sign in to the Azure portal. Make sure to use the same account with which you activated the sandbox.

Explore how to create resources

Now let's start exploring how to create resources in Azure. We won't actually create any Azure resources in this exercise.

  1. On the home page, select Create a resource.

  2. A pane labeled Create a resource appears. On the right-hand side, there's a list labeled Popular Marketplace products. Expand this list by selecting the See more in Marketplace link next to the heading.

  3. Select the X icon in the upper right to return to the Create a resource pane.

  4. Next, look at the Popular Azure services list on the left side of the pane. This list includes services such as Virtual machine, Key Vault, Function App, and more. Many of these items include Docs and/or MS Learn links directly below the name. These links open a new browser tab with content to help you learn about that service.

Find resource types by category

  1. In the left navigation pane, under Categories, select Compute. You'll now see options related to this category in the Popular Azure services and Popular Marketplace products lists.

  2. To the right of Popular Marketplace products, select See more in Marketplace. The full list of available Compute offerings appears.

  3. In the Operating Systems section, select the option for Windows Server. If you don't see it, select See more.

  4. Select the drop-down list under Plan to see all of the available Windows Server images.

  5. Select the X at the top right-hand corner to close the Windows Server window.

  6. Select the X on the previous Marketplace window.

Use search to filter results

Another way to locate services from the Create a resource pane is to use search terms. Searching is often the quickest way to filter the services that you see.

The search box at the top of the Create a resource pane defaults to checking every Azure service category to get its results. You can also refine your search by selecting a category.

  1. Type virtual machine into the search box and select Enter.

  2. In the left navigation pane, under Categories, select Compute. You'll see a filtered list of Compute offerings related to virtual machine images.

  3. Select any of the results that interest you to learn more about that offering, including how to get started. Select the X in the corner to return to the list and explore a different offering. When you're done, move to the next step.

  4. Select the X at the top right-hand corner to close the Marketplace pane. The Create a resource pane is visible once again.

  5. Select the X at the top right-hand corner to close the Create a resource pane.

Many of the principles you learned in this exercise apply throughout the Azure portal experience. In the next unit, you continue your journey in the Azure portal and configure other settings in Azure.