Sales order setup


A sales order is a key document in Supply Chain Management because it represents a sale of a product to a customer. A sales order consists of a customer who's being sold a product. It includes charges on items, such as freight or installation charges. Additionally, the sales order includes delivery options, where you can arrange for delivery to be at different times and different locations, based on the customer's needs.

Screenshot of the All sales orders page.

Charge allocation

Charges are costs and fees that you can add to the cost of items and purchases according to the setup. Examples of charges include:

  • Freight

  • Transport

  • Postage

Automatic setup of charges

The system applies automatic charges, also referred to as auto charges, when you create a sales order. You can define auto charges for a specific customer or item, or you can define them for groups of customers or all items. To set up the charge in the Accounts receivable, Accounts payable, or Procurement and sourcing modules, go to Setup > Charges > Auto charges.