Review Azure infrastructure changes by using Bicep and pull requests

DevOps Engineer
Azure Resource Manager

Avoid unintended changes and poorly written Bicep code by using pull requests. Use branching strategies to protect your main branch from accidental changes. Understand what you should look for when you review Bicep code.

Learning objectives

After completing this module, you'll be able to:

  • Protect important branches from accidental changes.
  • Create, review, and merge pull requests.
  • Review Bicep code in pull requests.


You should be familiar with using:

  • Bicep for basic deployments to Azure, including conditions.
  • Basic Git commands, including cloning, branching, committing files, and pushing changes to either Azure Repos or GitHub.

To work through the exercises in the module, you need either:

  • An Azure DevOps organization and account.
  • A GitHub account.

To work through the exercises, you also need the following installed locally: