Exercise - Publish the API with GitHub Actions


Your web app and API are both running locally. Now it's time to publish your web app and API to Azure Static Web Apps.

Push your changes to GitHub

In the previous exercise, you made changes to your API. Now it's time to commit those changes to the api branch and push them to GitHub.

Create a pull request

You pushed your api branch to GitHub. Now you want the GitHub Action to publish your web app and API in a preview URL. So your next step is to create a pull request against the main branch.

  1. Open a browser.

  2. Go to your repository:


  3. Select the Pull requests link.

  4. Select New pull request.

  5. Select the main branch from the base dropdown list.

  6. Select the api branch from the compare dropdown list.

  7. Select Create pull request.

  8. Again, select Create pull request.

Your GitHub Action is now triggered.

Watch the GitHub Action build and publish

You can stay in your browser on your repository and watch the GitHub Action's progress. Follow these steps to view the progress:

  1. Select the Actions menu.

  2. Under the Workflows menu, select the Azure Static Web Apps CI/CD workflow item.

  3. Select the latest (top) link in the action runs to the right.

  4. Select the Build and Deploy Job link.

You can see the progress of your GitHub Action as it builds and publishes your web app and API.

Browse to the preview URL

After the GitHub Action completes successfully, you can view your running app in the browser.

  1. Select the Pull requests menu.

  2. Select your pull request.

  3. Select the link following the message Azure Static Web Apps: Your stage site is ready! Visit it here.

Notice that the preview URL contains a hyphen followed by a number. The number matches the pull request number for the pull request you created. For every pull request you create, you get a unique and repeatable preview URL. The region is also used to form the preview URL, too.

Next steps

Congratulations, you created your first Azure Static Web Apps instance with a web app and API! If you merge the pull request you created, Azure Static Web Apps automatically deploys the changes to your production app.