Introduction to conducting global operations with the client API Xrm object
The Client API provides the Xrm object, which is globally available in your code, enabling various activities without relying on the execution context. At a high level, the following diagram illustrates each of the available properties and methods. For an in-depth overview of this object, see Client API Xrm object.
App object
Using addGlobalNotification
from the App object, you can display an error, information, warning, or success notifications for an app and specify actions to execute based on the notification. This notification is similar to form notifications, but you can use it outside the context of a form. For example, a command bar script could notify a user of an action completed. Use clearGlobalNotification method to clear a notification in the app.
Device object
The Xrm.Device object exposes native device capabilities that are related to mobile device interactions, except for the pickFile method, which is also accessible through web clients. Canvas apps also provide an extensible framework for mobile development and should be considered in these scenarios. The following table is a summary of the methods that are available within the Xrm.Device object.
Method | Description |
captureAudio | Invokes the device microphone to record audio. |
captureImage | Invokes the device camera to capture an image. |
captureVideo | Invokes the device camera to record a video. |
getBarcodeValue | Invokes the device camera to scan the barcode information, such as a product number. |
getCurrentPosition | Returns the current location by using the device geolocation capability. |
pickFile | Opens a dialog box to select files from your computer (web client) or mobile device (mobile clients). |
Depending on the device configuration, some functionality isn't available. User consent may also be required for the app to access specific device capabilities. For example, the user may have globally disabled device location capabilities or refused the app camera access. When developing an app, beware that these methods may fail because of the device's capabilities, configuration, lack of permissions, or consent.
Encoding object
You can use the Xrm.Encoding object to encode and decode XML and HTML strings. This encoding and decoding can be valuable when you're:
Interacting with HTML web resources,
Encoding and decoding query string parameters,
Interacting with FetchXML that contains special characters like '&' or '<' in a search string.
Navigation object
The Navigation object provides navigation-related methods you can use within a model-driven application. Because of their blocking nature, activities such as showing alert, confirm, and error dialogs aren't considered an optimal user experience but are still available. In these scenarios, we recommend considering form notifications or other non-blocking mechanisms to warn users of an issue. Here's a summary of methods that are available within the Xrm.Navigation object.
Method | Description |
openAlertDialog | Displays an alert dialog that contains a message and a button. |
openConfirmDialog | Displays a confirmation dialog box that contains a message and two buttons. |
openErrorDialog | Displays an error dialog. |
openFile | Opens a file. |
openForm | Opens a table form or a quick create form. |
openUrl | Opens a URL, including file URLs. |
openWebResource | Opens an HTML web resource. |
Panel object
The Xrm.Panel object provides a method to display a webpage on the side pane of a model-driven app form. This feature is currently in preview and isn't covered in detail here. For more information, see Xrm.Panel.
Utility object
The Xrm.Utility object is a container for various useful methods. The following table is a summary of the methods that are available within the Xrm.Utility object. For more information, see Xrm.Utility (Client API reference)
Method | Description |
closeProgressIndicator | Indicator closes a progress dialog box that was opened using showProgressIndicator . |
getAllowedStatusTransitions | Returns the valid state transitions for the specified table and state code. |
getEntityMetadata | Returns the entity metadata for the specified entity. |
getGlobalContext | Retrieves the global context, providing runtime information such as organization settings, user settings, app details, and client information. |
getLearningPathAttributeName | Returns the name of the DOM attribute that is expected by the learning path (guided help) content designer for identifying UI controls in the model-driven apps forms. |
getResourceString | Returns the localized string for a given key that is associated with the specified web resource. |
invokeProcessAction | Invokes an action based on the specified parameters. This method could also be used to invoke Custom APIs created by your developers. |
lookupObjects | Opens a lookup control to select one or more items. |
refreshParentGrid | Refreshes the parent grid that contains the specified record. |
showProgressIndicator | Displays a progress dialog with the specified message. |
There are also many methods not listed here that you might come across in older code that has now been deprecated because they've moved to the Xrm.Navigation namespace. If you find these methods, you should update the code to use the new Xrm.Navigation methods.
Xrm.WebApi object
The Xrm.WebApi object provides properties and methods to use the Web API for traditional CRUD operations within a client script. When using Xrm.WebAPI in your script, operations are automatically performed in the context of the current app user. You can use the Web API when the app is online and offline (if you configure the environment for offline). The namespace includes a specific online and offline set of methods; however, using these methods requires keeping track of the client state. If you use the Xrm.WebAPI, Xrm.WebAPI.createRecord, the API determines if it should use the online or offline namespace methods for you.
The following table is a summary of the methods that are available within the Xrm.WebApi object. For more information, see Xrm.WebApi (Client API reference).
Method | Description |
createRecord | Creates a table row. |
deleteRecord | Deletes a table row using the ID of the row. |
retrieveRecord | Retrieves a row using the ID of the row. |
retrieveMultipleRecords | Retrieves a collection of table rows matching the query options or Fetch XML provided. |
updateRecord | Updates a table row. |
isAvailableOffline | Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a table is present in a user’s profile and available in offline mode. |
execute | Run a single action, function, or CRUD operation. |
executeMultiple | Run a collection of actions, functions, or CRUD operations. |
Using properties and methods of Xrm object, you can automate business processes and improve the overall user experience.