Set effective identity


When generating an embed token, you can set effective identity when working with the For your customers scenario.

Your app logic will first create a list of one or more effectiveidentity objects. Each object can include the following parameters.

  • Datasets: (Required) A list of DatasetIDs.

  • Username: (Optional) For internal-hosted models, it's a text value to be returned by the USERNAME or USERPRINCIPALNAME function. For external-hosted models, it's the username to connect to the model.

  • Roles: (Optional) List of role names.

  • CustomData: (Optional) A text value to be returned by the CUSTOMDATA function.

  • IdentityBlob: (Optional) An Azure AD access token that's used for token-based identity with a DirectQuery connection to a Microsoft Azure SQL Database. It allows you to enforce data permissions without data model RLS. We'll describe this topic later in this unit.

You might pass in a list of datasets because the embed token will be used to embed many Power BI artifacts that connect to different datasets or because a dashboard is composed of tiles that connect to multiple datasets. When a list of multiple roles is passed in, all roles are simultaneously enforced, meaning that the user can view the union of the data that the roles grant.

The following example creates a list that contains one effectiveidentity object. It passes in the username of the current app user, the Region role, and the first (and perhaps only) dataset that's found in the workspace:

// Create effective identity for the first dataset
var datasetId = datasets[0].Id.ToString();
var effectiveIdentities = new List<EffectiveIdentity>() {
	new EffectiveIdentity(
		username: userProfile.Username,
		roles: new List<string> {"Region"},
		datasets: new List<string> {datasetId})

Next, to generate an embed token, the app will pass the list to the identities parameter of the GenerateTokenRequestV2 method. Other methods generate embed tokens, each allowing you to pass in a list of effective identities.

// Bundle token requests for the reports, datasets, and the workspace
var tokenRequest = new GenerateTokenRequestV2(
    reports: reportTokenRequests,
    datasets: datasetTokenRequests,
    targetWorkspaces: workspaceRequests,
    identities: effectiveIdentities
) ;

The following topics provide further details about setting effective identity for each Power BI dataset type.

Set effective identity for internal-hosted import tables

Consider the following parameters when you're passing effective identity to connect to an internal-hosted model with import tables:

  • At least one role must be defined in the model.

  • The username must be passed, but it doesn't need to be a real username. The value that's passed in is returned by the USERNAME or USERPRINCIPALNAME function.

  • At least one role must be defined by the effective identity.

Set effective identity for internal-hosted DirectQuery tables

To set effective identity for internal-hosted DirectQuery tables, you'll use the same guidance for internal-hosted import tables.

In addition, you can use token-based identity. Token-based identity allows you to specify the effective identity for an embed token by using an Azure AD access token, but only when the source is an Azure SQL Database. When you're generating the embed token, your app will pass the access token to the IdentityBlob parameter. In this case, you don't need to pass a value to the username parameter.

Using token-based identity requires the dataset owner to set up the data source to use the end users' OAuth2 credentials. This way, Power BI uses the effective identity username to connect to the data source. It means that the database can enforce RLS instead of the data model.

For more information about token-based identity, see Security features in Power BI Embedded.

Set effective identity for Azure Analysis Services

To set effective identity when using an Azure Analysis Services model, you need to make sure that the embedding identity (service principal or master user account) has at least read permission on the model.

When no effective identity is passed, and the embedding identity account is an Analysis Services admin, all app users can view all model data. When the embedding identity account isn't an Analysis Services admin, data visibility is limited by that account's assigned roles.


When you're using service principal with an Azure Analysis Services model, the service principal must have Azure Analysis Services instance permissions. Using a security group that contains the service principal for this purpose doesn't work.

Consider the following parameters when you're passing effective identity to work with an Azure Analysis Services model:

  • At least one role must be defined in the model.

  • The username must be a master user account (UPN format) or service principal (ObjectID).

  • When no roles form part of the effective identity, roles that are assigned to the effective identity account are applied.

  • The USERNAME function will return the effective identity username.

Set effective identity for SQL Server Analysis Services

To set effective identity when using a SQL Server Analysis Services model, you need to make sure that the gateway data source credentials are set as an Analysis Services admin.

The effective identity (service principal or master user account) must be a gateway admin or have ReadOverrideEffectiveIdentity permissions on the gateway data source. You can set this permission only by using the Power BI REST API.

When no effective identity is passed and the embedding identity account is an Analysis Services admin, all users can view all model data. When the embedding identity account isn't an Analysis Services admin, data visibility is limited by that account's assigned roles.

Consider the following parameters when you're passing effective identity to work with a SQL Server Analysis Services model:

  • At least one role must be defined in the model.

  • The username must be a Windows account, using UPN or DOMAIN\username format.

  • The username must have read permission on the model.

  • When no roles form part of the effective identity, roles that are assigned to the effective identity username are applied.

  • The USERNAME function will return the effective identity username.

  • Use of the CUSTOMDATA function isn't supported.

Compare dataset types

The following table compares effective identity parameter settings for the four dataset types.

Parameter Internal-hosted import tables Internal-hosted DirectQuery tables Azure Analysis Services SQL Server Analysis Services
Username Any text value that will be returned by the USERNAME and USERPRINCIPALNAME functions Any text value that will be returned by the USERNAME and USERPRINCIPALNAME functions It's used to authenticate with the service. It must be a master user account (UPN format) or service principal (ObjectID). It's used to authenticate with the service. It must be a Windows account, using UPN or DOMAIN\username format.
CustomData Supported Supported Supported Not supported
Roles At least one role must be defined by the effective identity At least one role must be defined by the effective identity When no role is passed, roles that are assigned to the effective identity account are applied When no role is passed, roles that are assigned to the effective identity account are applied
IdentityBlob No Yes, when source data is an Azure SQL Database (that should enforce RLS requirements) No No
Additional information Requires a gateway. The effective identity account must be a gateway admin.