Get started with PC Holographic Remoting


Holographic Remoting allows you to broadcast real-time holographic content to your HoloLens. There are two primary applications for this, and it's important to know the contrast:

  • Unity or Unreal: You want to preview and debug your app during the development process. You can run your app locally in the Unity editor on your PC in Play Mode and stream the experience to your HoloLens. This provides a way to quickly debug your app without building and deploying a full project.

  • Unity, Unreal or C++: You want the resources of a PC to power your app instead of relying on the HoloLens on-board resources. You can create and build an app that has Holographic Remoting capability. The user experiences the app on the HoloLens, but the app actually runs on a PC, which allows it to take advantage of the PC's more powerful resources.

Spatial awareness

Spatial Awareness provides a set of meshes representing the environment's geometry that allows engaging with the interactions between holograms and the actual world. For example: in Mixed Reality applications, the Spatial Awareness system delivers real-world Environmental Awareness.

Interactable scripts

Objects with interactable scripts respond to different kinds of input interaction states. Also, the script supports various themes that let you alter object parameters like:

  • Color
  • Size
  • Material
  • Shader that affects visual states