

Sometimes students and educators need to find some information from trusted sources while they're working in OneNote. Researcher is a great tool that allows you to find those sources without having to toggle to another window. Here is how it works:

  1. While on the page where you would like to add a resource, select the Insert tab and choose Researcher.
  2. The new window is right within OneNote. Type the subject in the search box. Notice that sources are sorted into journals and websites.
  3. To read more of an abstract, select the text in the article. To read the full article, scroll down and select the button to open it in a browser.
  4. To add a citation, first make sure the cursor is in the exact location on the page where you want the citation to go. Select the plus sign in the upper right of that abstract, or select the link at the bottom that says Add this source as a citation.

The Researcher tool allows students to focus on the important aspects of gathering information from trusted sources, without getting distracted or lost in the details of citations.