Exercise - Style components to match your branding


In this exercise, you'll learn how to use custom CSS properties with Microsoft Graph Toolkit components to change the styling of your application.

Before you start

As a prerequisite for this exercise, you'll need to complete the previous exercise: "Change the behavior of components by using attributes."

Style the Login component to match your branding

Let's say you want to change the appearance of the button content for the Login component. In index.html, you can use the <style> tag inside <head> to customize components.

  1. To customize the body of the page, add body{} between the <style> tags. Use the following CSS property inside the body{} selector:

    • background-color changes the background color of the page to follow the background color of the theme
    • color changes the text color of the page to follow the text color of the theme
  2. To customize the Login component, add mgt-login{} between the <style> tags. Use the following CSS properties inside the mgt-login{} selector:

    • --login-button-padding modifies the spacing inside the "user's mail" element. Define it as 30px for equal space from top, bottom, left, and right.
    • --login-signed-in-background changes the button background color to slategrey
    • --login-popup-text-color changes the user profile pop-up font color to slategrey.
  3. To customize the Agenda component, add mgt-agenda{} between the <style> tags. Use the following CSS properties inside the mgt-agenda{} selector:

    • --agenda-header-font-size changes the font size of the agenda header to 24px.
    • --agenda-event-padding modifies spacing inside the events to 20px.
    • --agenda-event-background-color changes the event background color to slategrey.
    • --agenda-event-box-shadow changes the event box shadow to grey.
        body {
          background-color: var(--fill-color);
          color: var(--neutral-foreground-rest);
        mgt-login {
          --login-signed-in-background: slategrey;
          --login-button-padding: 30px;
          --login-popup-text-color: slategrey;
        mgt-agenda {
          --agenda-header-font-size: 24px;
          --agenda-event-padding: 20px;
          --agenda-event-background-color: slategrey;
          --agenda-event-box-shadow: grey;
  4. Let's add the component to toggle theme color. Open the index.html file, and add the mgt-theme-toggle tag to the <body> tag.


The final version of the index.html file will look like this example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <script src="https://unpkg.com/@microsoft/mgt@3/dist/bundle/mgt-loader.js"></script>

    body {
      background-color: var(--fill-color);
      color: var(--neutral-foreground-rest);
    mgt-login {
      --login-signed-in-background: slategrey;
      --login-button-padding: 30px;
      --login-popup-text-color: slategrey;
    mgt-agenda {
      --agenda-header-font-size: 24px;
      --agenda-event-padding: 20px;
      --agenda-event-background-color: slategrey;
      --agenda-event-box-shadow: grey;

  <mgt-msal2-provider client-id="[Your-Client-ID]"></mgt-msal2-provider>

    <template data-type="signed-in-button-content" >

  <mgt-agenda class="agenda"
      date="June 29, 2023"


Test your app in the browser

  1. In Visual Studio Code, select the following key combination, and search for Live Server:

    • Windows: CTRL+SHIFT+P

    Run Live Server to test your app.

  2. Open your browser, and go to http://localhost:3000.

  3. Sign in with your Microsoft 365 developer account. Consent to the required permissions, and select Accept.

  4. Using the theme toggle, switch the theme to Dark

  5. Finally, you'll see that the components are automatically adapted to the dark theme and the signed-in button style has changed.

This image shows the final version of the application.

Overall, the Microsoft Graph Toolkit components are flexible when it comes to customization. You can modify the way the components look by using custom CSS properties and match them with your application's branding.