DevOps Security support and prerequisites


Cloud and region support

DevOps security is available in the Azure commercial cloud, in these regions:

  • Asia (East Asia)
  • Australia (Australia East)
  • Canada (Canada Central)
  • Europe (West Europe, North Europe, Sweden Central)
  • UK (UK South)
  • US (East US, Central US)

DevOps platform support

DevOps security currently supports the following DevOps platforms:

Required permissions

DevOps security requires the following permissions:

Feature Permissions
Connect DevOps environments to Defender for Cloud Azure: Subscription Contributor or Security AdminAzure DevOps: Project Collection Administrator on target OrganizationGitHub: Organization OwnerGitLab: Group Owner on target Group
Review security insights and findings Security Reader
Configure pull request annotations Subscription Contributor or Owner
Install the Microsoft Security DevOps extension in Azure DevOps Azure DevOps Project Collection Administrator
Install the Microsoft Security DevOps action in GitHub GitHub Write

Security Reader role can be applied on the Resource Group or connector scope to avoid setting highly privileged permissions on a Subscription level for read access of DevOps security insights and findings.

Feature availability

The following tables summarize the availability and prerequisites for each feature within the supported DevOps platforms:

Starting March 7, 2024, Defender CSPM must be enabled on at least one subscription or multicloud connector in the tenant to benefit from premium DevOps security capabilities which include code-to-cloud contextualization powering security explorer and attack paths and pull request annotations for Infrastructure-as-Code security findings. See details below to learn more.

Azure DevOps

Feature Foundational CSPM Defender CSPM Prerequisites
Connect Azure DevOps repositories Icon of Yes. Icon of Yes. See here
Security recommendations to fix code vulnerabilities Icon of Yes. Icon of Yes. GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps for CodeQL findings, Microsoft Security DevOps extension
Security recommendations to discover exposed secrets Icon of Yes. Icon of Yes. GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps
Security recommendations to fix open source vulnerabilities Icon of Yes. Icon of Yes. GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps
Security recommendations to fix infrastructure as code misconfigurations Icon of Yes. Icon of Yes. Microsoft Security DevOps extension
Security recommendations to fix DevOps environment misconfigurations Icon of Yes. Icon of Yes. N/A
Pull request annotations Icon of Yes. See here
Code to cloud mapping for Containers
Icon of Yes. Microsoft Security DevOps extension
Code to cloud mapping for Infrastructure as Code templates Icon of Yes. Microsoft Security DevOps extension
Attack path analysis Icon of Yes. Enable Defender CSPM on an Azure Subscription, AWS Connector, or GCP Connector in the same tenant as the DevOps Connector
Cloud security explorer Icon of Yes. Enable Defender CSPM on an Azure Subscription, AWS Connector, or GCP connector in the same tenant as the DevOps Connector


Feature Foundational CSPM Defender CSPM Prerequisites
Connect GitHub repositories Icon of Yes. Icon of Yes. See here
Security recommendations to fix code vulnerabilities Icon of Yes. Icon of Yes. GitHub Advanced Security, Microsoft Security DevOps action
Security recommendations to discover exposed secrets Icon of Yes. Icon of Yes. GitHub Advanced Security
Security recommendations to fix open source vulnerabilities Icon of Yes. Icon of Yes. GitHub Advanced Security
Security recommendations to fix infrastructure as code misconfigurations Icon of Yes. Icon of Yes. GitHub Advanced Security, Microsoft Security DevOps action
Security recommendations to fix DevOps environment misconfigurations Icon of Yes. Icon of Yes. N/A
Code to cloud mapping for Containers Icon of Yes. Microsoft Security DevOps action
Code to cloud mapping for Infrastructure as Code templates Icon of Yes. Microsoft Security DevOps action
Attack path analysis Icon of Yes. Enable Defender CSPM on an Azure Subscription, AWS Connector, or GCP connector in the same tenant as the DevOps Connector
Cloud security explorer Icon of Yes. Enable Defender CSPM on an Azure Subscription, AWS Connector, or GCP connector in the same tenant as the DevOps Connector


Feature Foundational CSPM Defender CSPM Prerequisites
Connect GitLab projects Icon of Yes. Icon of Yes. See here
Security recommendations to fix code vulnerabilities Icon of Yes. Icon of Yes. GitLab Ultimate
Security recommendations to discover exposed secrets Icon of Yes. Icon of Yes. GitLab Ultimate
Security recommendations to fix open source vulnerabilities Icon of Yes. Icon of Yes. GitLab Ultimate
Security recommendations to fix infrastructure as code misconfigurations Icon of Yes. Icon of Yes. GitLab Ultimate
Cloud security explorer Icon of Yes. Enable Defender CSPM on an Azure Subscription, AWS Connector, or GCP connector in the same tenant as the DevOps Connector