Pricing priorities
Because the pricing engine will usually select the lower of two prices, it does not support the requirement to force the pricing engine to select the higher of the two prices without configuring the pricing structure twice to make the higher of the two prices valid for the Commerce channels. Pricing priorities are meant to streamline those types of requirements. Pricing priorities can help specify that a price group or discount needs to be used before another discount is, such as a lower discount.
Pricing priorities are used in evaluating selling prices and discounts independently.
Two places where you can specify a pricing priority are:
- Price groups
- Discounts
The pricing priority for discounts is inherited from the specific priority on the price group that is associated with the discounts, unless they are overridden on the discount. By default, all pricing priorities are zero. When a pricing priority is set to a higher priority, it takes precedence over lower numbers. For example, ten would take priority over five in evaluating a sales price or discount to use.
For each pricing priority, a full pass through the logic for the retail pricing engine is required. Therefore, to help maintain the performance of the price and discount calculation, you should use pricing priorities sparingly.