Exercise – Create a mass hire project
Recruiters can create multiple positions with ease and hire many employees into those positions by using mass hire projects. This procedure guides you through the steps of establishing a mass hire project. To begin this procedure, go to Human resources > Recruitment > Mass hire projects. The demo data company that is used to create this procedure is USMF.
Select New.
In the Mass hire project field, enter a value.
In the Description field, enter a value.
In the Project start field, enter a date.
In the Project end field, enter a date.
Select Open project.
Select Yes.
Select Create positions.
In the Quantity field, enter the number of positions that you want to create.
The Start date will become the hire date for the new workers.
The End date will be the termination date for the new workers.
Specify whether the new workers will be Employees or Contractors.
In the Job field, use the drop-down button to select the job for which the positions will be created.
The default full-time equivalent value will come from the selected job. You can change this value if needed.
Select the Department for the new position.
Select OK.