Exercise - Create a maintenance request
Munson’s Pickle and Preserves Farm has an air knife that needs maintenance because it is leaking oil. Your task is to set up a maintenance request:
- Go to Asset management > Maintenance requests > All maintenance requests or Active maintenance requests.
- Select New from the Action Pane.
- In the Create request dialog box, in the Maintenance request type field, select Corrective.
- In the Description field, enter a description the maintenance request, for example, Air knife leaking oil.
- In the Functional location field, select PP-01.
- Select AK-401 from the Asset drop-down menu.
- Select 3 from the Service level drop-down menu.
- In the Notes field, enter Air knife leaking oil.
- Select OK. A new maintenance request is created.
- Note the Maintenance request number that is assigned on the Maintenance request page.
Create work orders from maintenance requests
Now that you’ve created a work order, the manager or person who is responsible for planning has reviewed the maintenance request and approved it. Your next task is to change your maintenance request over to a work order.
- Select Asset management > Maintenance requests > All maintenance requests.
- Select the maintenance request that you created. For example, if you select MR-000018, a check mark will be placed next to your request.
- Under the New submenu, under the Action Pane, select Work order.
- In the Create work order dialog box:
- Select Corrective on the Work order type drop-down menu.
- Select the Description or manually enter the description as Air knife leaking oil.
- Set the Service level default to 3.
- Set the Expected start date as your current date.
- Set the Expected end date as three business days from the current date.
- Select OK. Your maintenance request is now converted to a work order.