Exercise - Create a maintenance request


Munson’s Pickle and Preserves Farm has an air knife that needs maintenance because it is leaking oil. Your task is to set up a maintenance request:

  1. Go to Asset management > Maintenance requests > All maintenance requests or Active maintenance requests.
  2. Select New from the Action Pane.
  3. In the Create request dialog box, in the Maintenance request type field, select Corrective.
  4. In the Description field, enter a description the maintenance request, for example, Air knife leaking oil.
  5. In the Functional location field, select PP-01.
  6. Select AK-401 from the Asset drop-down menu.
  7. Select 3 from the Service level drop-down menu.
  8. In the Notes field, enter Air knife leaking oil.
  9. Select OK. A new maintenance request is created.
  10. Note the Maintenance request number that is assigned on the Maintenance request page.

Create work orders from maintenance requests

Now that you’ve created a work order, the manager or person who is responsible for planning has reviewed the maintenance request and approved it. Your next task is to change your maintenance request over to a work order.

  1. Select Asset management > Maintenance requests > All maintenance requests.
  2. Select the maintenance request that you created. For example, if you select MR-000018, a check mark will be placed next to your request.
  3. Under the New submenu, under the Action Pane, select Work order.
  4. In the Create work order dialog box:
    • Select Corrective on the Work order type drop-down menu.
    • Select the Description or manually enter the description as Air knife leaking oil.
    • Set the Service level default to 3.
    • Set the Expected start date as your current date.
    • Set the Expected end date as three business days from the current date.
    • Select OK. Your maintenance request is now converted to a work order.