Your goal in this module was to identify the tools and strategies you can use in your GitHub Enterprise instance to manage the use of GitHub Actions in your organization.
To accomplish this goal, you learned how to:
- Use different tools at enterprise and organization levels to manage your actions and workflows.
- Evaluate what the appropriate runners are for your enterprise instance.
- Customize your self-hosted runners according to your enterprise use case.
- Scope, create, and access encrypted secrets in your actions and workflows.
Next, you practiced how to create an encrypted secret in a repository and pass it in an action.
Learn more
Here are some links to more information on the topics we discussed in this module:
- Creating a Docker container action
- Enabling automatic access to actions using GitHub Connect
- Enforcing GitHub Actions policies in your enterprise account
- Manually syncing actions from
- Sharing workflows with your organization
- Encrypted secrets
- Using encrypted secrets in a workflow
- Metadata syntax for GitHub Actions
- About GitHub-hosted runners
- About self-hosted runners
- Managing access to self-hosted runners using groups
- Using self-hosted runners in a workflow
- Using labels with self-hosted runners
- Using a proxy server with self-hosted runners
- Using GitHub Actions with an IP allowlist
- Monitoring and troubleshooting self-hosted runners