

We covered some significant new jargon in this module. Let's recap what we've learned:

  • The goal of machine learning is to find patterns in data and use these patterns to make estimates.

  • Machine learning differs from normal software development in that we use special code, rather than our own intuition, to improve how well the software works.

  • The learning process conceptually uses four components:

    • Data, which is information we want to learn from.
    • A model, which makes estimates about the data.
    • An objective the model is trying to achieve.
    • An optimizer, extra code that changes the model depending on its performance.
  • You can think of data as features and labels. Features correspond to potential model inputs, while labels correspond to model outputs, or desired model outputs.

  • Pandas and Plotly are powerful tools to explore datasets in Python.

  • Once we have a trained model, we can save it to disk for later use.