Summary and resources
In this module, you learned about game accessibility concepts related to the visual, audio, cognitive, and input-related aspects of gaming. Let's recap some of the key points discussed in this module:
- Game experiences are played through a series of feedback loops. These loops involve visual and audio information that's provided by the game. They also include the player's ability to perceive that information, determine next steps through cognitive processes, and provide physical input to carry out desired actions. When any aspect of this loop is interrupted because of inaccessible experiences, players can be excluded from play.
- Many game elements commonly introduce visual, hearing, cognitive, and mobility demands that pose unintentional barriers for players with disabilities. An awareness of these common elements is a critical starting place in understanding game accessibility.
- Game accessibility can't be approached through a one-size-fits-all mentality. Instead, it's important to consider unique player experiences and work directly with players with disabilities to inform effective solutions.
Learn more
Xbox Gaming and Disability Player Experience Guide