

Our goal was to help you to determine whether Azure Remote Rendering can help you:

  • Render complex models.
  • Achieve the desired visual fidelity.
  • Live stream complex models to your local device.

To help with your decision, you used the following criteria:

  • Complexity of 3D models
  • Required visual fidelity for the images

You applied these criteria to a fictional automotive manufacturer. The manufacturer had complex 3D models that they wanted to view in HoloLens.

You've learned that the computing resource within your on-premises data center is sometimes insufficient to render 3D models to the desired detail quickly enough. You must choose between scaling down the detail or increasing the available compute resources. Our criteria helped you decide that by using Azure Remote Rendering, you can render complex 3D models to any desired detail level.

You should now be able to determine whether Azure Remote Rendering can help you render and live-stream complex models to the desired visual fidelity within your organization.
