In this module, our goals were to:
- Describe the key products within Azure Communication Services
- List some suitable scenarios which Azure Communication Services can help with
- Evaluate if Azure Communication Services is right for you by using our criteria:
- Existing Business/Application/Idea
- Features
- Environment
- Geographic Region
When evaluating Azure Communication Services, we learned that the features and products within Azure Communication Services will help the fictional home-appliance company to solve its problems, introduce new features, and meet its goals. We also applied our decision criteria. By checking through the criteria, we learned that there was a good fit for utilizing Azure Communication Services within this scenario.
By learning about Azure Communication Services and using our decision criteria to evaluate if Azure Communication Services is right for you, we hope that you've gained valuable insight into what Azure Communication Services has to offer and how it might help you with your business needs.
General information
General information on Azure Communication Services and its features:
- What is Azure Communication Services?
- Azure Communication Services SDKs & APIS
- Azure Communication Services Samples
Combining other Azure features
Combining Azure Communication Services features with other Azure products:
- Using Azure Event Grid to process SMS, Chat and Calling events through Event Grid endpoints such as Azure Functions and Webhooks to enhance functionality through things like automatic responses, bots, call routing, and more.
- Sending Diagnostic information on call quality, usage, and more to Azure Monitor Log Analytics.
- Using Teams Interoperability to bring Azure Communication Services calls into your Microsoft Teams environment.
- Using Azure Logic Apps to process SMS messages for SMS Automation.