Exercise - Install Python to use in Visual Studio Code for data exploration
Now that you have installed Visual Studio Code, you'll need to download Python so your computer knows how to run and interpret the code you write.
Most Mac and Linux computers come with Python pre-installed, however it might not be up to date. Also, if you have installed the Visual Studio Code Coding Pack for Python, then you can skip to Unit 9.
To start, install Python 3.10 (or later) from python.org. Select Download Python X.XX to begin the installation. After it's downloaded, run the executable to install. These instructions are for a Windows computer. If you have Linux or Mac, use the links that correspond to your operating system.
When that's finished, you'll be taken to a setup window where you should follow these installation steps:
Select the box to Add Python X.XX to PATH then select Install Now.
Wait for the program to finish installing and then select Close.
Python is now installed. In the next unit, you'll learn how to run a Python program in Visual Studio Code.