Work with data sets
Once your data sets are defined and saved for the first time, the data source begins to ingest the data. During the refresh process, any data set in the data source is refreshed. The refresh status of your data sources is visible from the Data Sources page. From Data Sources, you can see the name of each ingested data source, the number of tables (data sets) it contains, and the last time the data was refreshed for that data source and the status of the data source.
There are multiple statuses that can be displayed for a data source:
Successful: Date source was successfully ingested. A time is mentioned in the Refreshed column.
Not Started: The data source has no data ingested yet or is still in draft mode.
Refreshing: Data ingestion is in progress. You can cancel this operation by selecting Stop refreshing in the Actions column. Stopping the refresh of a data source reverts it to its last refresh state.
Failed: Data ingestion ran into errors.
Canceled: The data refresh operation was canceled.
A data source can be manually refreshed by selecting the data source and selecting the refresh icon. If you want to make changes to data sources, select the data source name and select the edit (pencil) icon to make changes to your data source. Depending on the type of data source you're working with, the screen you're taken to varies. If you import the data using Power Query, you're taken back to the Power Query editor to make any necessary changes. If you used either Azure Data Lake or Microsoft Dataverse, you're taken into the connection screen. Here you can walk through the previous steps and modify them as required. To delete a data source, select the data source and choose Delete.
You cannot delete a data source if it's being used in the unified customer profile, in activities, measures, etc. You need to remove the reference to it from those items before it can be removed from the system.
Review ingested data
The first time you ingest data from a data source, it's possible the data load takes some time. After the data is successfully ingested, it can be reviewed from the Tables page. You can access the Tables page from the tables section and select the item you want to view. The table displays both the data that was ingested from the table, and the fields that are included in the table.
For more information, see Customer Insights - Data Tables.
Now that you have data successfully ingested into Customer Insights - Data, let's examine some of the different options for keeping the data current.