Exercise - Build Expansion tables using Power Apps Maker portal


In the previous exercise, you used the proposed design and built the Dataverse table that represents the ServiceRequest Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) resource in the Power Apps maker portal. In this exercise, you build the expansion tables that represent the FHIR resource elements of type array.

You design the new tables following the guidelines set in the previous exercises and update the entity relationship diagram. Once complete, you create the new tables in the Power Platform maker portal and add them to the existing Service Request solution.

These exercises don't result in a full representation of each ServiceRequest data element, but it covers the fundamental steps required to extend the Healthcare data model for Dataverse.


To complete the steps in this exercise, you need to meet the following prerequisites:

Proposed design

In a previous exercise, you developed a proposed design for the root Dataverse table for ServiceRequest. In this exercise, you expand the data model to include expansion tables that allow capture of child elements of the FHIR JSON resource.

Entity relationship diagram

The following simplified entity relationship diagram represents the root ServiceRequest table and includes references to existing tables via Lookup fields.

Screenshot shows the root ServiceRequest table and includes references to existing tables via Lookup fields.

This diagram includes the first-level references for the ServiceRequest table. The diagram shows standard data types and reference types represented as Dataverse columns and Lookup fields. You focus on the FHIR JSON elements of type array and represent these child collections as related, or child, Dataverse tables.

Referring back to the ServiceRequest FHIR resource specification, you can identify JSON array element types by the cardinality of 0..*.

Based on the specification, the following elements can be represented as expansion tables. The new Dataverse tables allow capturing multiple values that represent the array of child elements defined in the FHIR specification.

FHIR element Schema Name Display Name Description
replaces serviceRequestReplaces Service Request Replaces What request replaces
locationCode serviceRequestLocationCode Service Request LocationCode Requested location, as a Codeable Concept reference
locationReference serviceRequestLocationReference Service Request Location Reference Requested location, as Location reference
reasonCode serviceRequestReasonCode Service Request Reason Code Explanation/Justification for procedure or service
category serviceRequestCategory Service Request Category Classification of service

Previous exercises provided conventions for creating Dataverse tables representing FHIR resources. Applying the conventions, you can provide an updated list of tables added to the entity data model diagram.

The root level FHIR resource tables follow the convention of tracking three metadata fields for every FHIR resource however child array elements don't include the same metadata. Instead, expansion tables are extra Dataverse tables with a link back to a single ServiceRequest record.

Therefore a common field for each is a Lookup of type ServiceRequest as a link to the parent record.

Schema Name Display Name Data Type Description
ServiceRequestId Service Request Lookup, single ServiceRequest Parent Service Request.

For the selected elements in the FHIR ServiceRequest resource, they're defined as either arrays of References or arrays of Codeable concepts. The conventions dictate that we handle CodeableConcept fields as a Lookup to the existing CodeableConcept table. This means streamlined expansion tables with a single extra custom Lookup.

The updated entity relationship diagram with expansion tables:

Screenshot shows the updated entity relationship with expansion tables.

Create the ServiceRequest Expansion tables

In this section, you create the new Service Request expansion tables using the proposed design in the updated entity relationship diagram, and you create the extra relationships for each.

  1. Sign in to the Power Apps maker portal.

  2. Open the ServiceRequest solution.

  3. In the left navigation pane, select Tables, select the New table dropdown, and then select Table.

  4. In the new Table panel to the right, expand the Advanced options section. Provide the following details for the table in the fields provided:

    Property Value
    Display name Service Request Replaces
    Plural name Service Request Replaces
    Description What request replaces
    Schema name msemr_serviceRequestReplaces
    Type Standard
    Record ownership User or Team
    Appear in search results checked
  5. Select Save.

  6. Repeat these steps for the following tables.

    Service Request Location Code table

    Property Value
    Display name Service Request Location Code
    Plural name Service Request Location Code
    Description Requested location, as a Codeable Concept reference
    Schema name msemr_servicerequestlocationcode
    Type Standard
    Record ownership User or Team
    Appear in search results checked

    Service Request Location Reference table

    Property Value
    Display name Service Request Location Reference
    Plural name Service Request Location References
    Description Requested location, as Location reference
    Schema name msemr_serviceRequestLocationReference
    Type Standard
    Record ownership User or Team
    Appear in search results checked

    Service Request Reason Code table

    Property Value
    Display name Service Request Reason Code
    Plural name Service Request Reason Code
    Description Explanation/Justification for procedure or service
    Schema name msemr_servicerequestreasoncode
    Type Standard
    Record ownership User or Team
    Appear in search results checked

    Service Request Category table

    Property Value
    Display name Service Request Category
    Plural name Service Request Categories
    Description A record of a request for service such as diagnostic investigations, treatments, or operations to be performed
    Schema name msemr_servicerequestcategory
    Type Standard
    Record ownership User or Team
    Appear in search results checked

In the next section, you'll add the Lookup columns to the new expansion tables.

Create the Lookup column relationships

The design includes fields on the Service Request expansion tables that relate to Service Request and existing Healthcare data model for Dataverse tables. These are implemented as Lookups, or relationship types of Many-to-one.

  1. Open the ServiceRequest solution.

  2. In the left navigation pane, select Tables, select the Service Request Replaces table.

  3. In the main navigation, select Relationships under the Service Request Replaces table.

  4. In the relationships view, select New Relationship, Many-to-one.

  5. In the new Many-to-one relationship pane, from the selector under Related (One), enter Service Request.

  6. Expand the General and Advanced options section and enter these values for the new Lookup field.

    Property Value
    Lookup column display name Service Request
    Lookup column name msemr_servicerequestid
    Lookup column requirement Required
    Searchable checked
    Relationship name msemr_servicerequest_replaces_parent_servicerequest
    Lookup column description Parent service request
    Related table display settings
    Display option Use plural name
    Display area Details
    Display order 10000
    Type of behavior Referential
    Delete Remove link
  7. Select Done.

  8. In the relationships view, select New Relationship, Many-to-one.

  9. In the new Many-to-one relationship pane, from the selector under Related (One), enter Service Request.

  10. Expand the General and Advanced options sections.

  11. Enter in the following properties for the new Lookup field.

    Property Value
    Lookup column display name Replaces
    Lookup column name msemr_replacesid
    Lookup column requirement F
    Searchable checked
    Relationship name msemr_servicerequest_replaces_servicerequest
    Lookup column description What request replaces
    Related table display settings
    Display option Use plural name
    Display area Details
    Display order 10000
    Type of behavior Referential
    Delete Remove link
  12. Repeat these steps for the following relationships on the Service Request Location Code table.

    Property Value
    Related (One) Service Request
    Lookup column display name Service Request
    Lookup column name msemr_servicerequestid
    Lookup column requirement Business Required
    Searchable checked
    Relationship name msemr_servicerequest_locationcode_parent_servicerequest
    Lookup column description Parent service request
    Related table display settings
    Display option Use plural name
    Display area Details
    Display order 10000
    Type of behavior Referential
    Delete Remove link
    Property Value
    Related (One) Codeable Concept
    Lookup column display name Location Code
    Lookup column name msemr_locationcodeid
    Lookup column requirement Business Required
    Searchable checked
    Relationship name msemr_servicerequest_locationcode_codeableconcept
    Lookup column description Requested location, as a Codeable Concept reference
    Related table display settings
    Display option Use plural name
    Display area Details
    Display order 10000
    Type of behavior Referential
    Delete Remove link
  13. Repeat these steps for the following relationships on the Service Request Location Reference table.

    Property Value
    Related (One) Service Request
    Lookup column display name Service Request
    Lookup column name msemr_servicerequestid
    Lookup column requirement Business Required
    Searchable checked
    Relationship name msemr_servicerequest_locationref_parent_servicerequest
    Lookup column description Parent service request
    Related table display settings
    Display option Use plural name
    Display area Details
    Display order 10000
    Type of behavior Referential
    Delete Remove link
    Property Value
    Related (One) Location (msemr_location)
    Lookup column display name Location
    Lookup column name msemr_locationid
    Lookup column requirement Business Required
    Searchable checked
    Relationship name msemr_servicerequest_locationref_locatoion
    Lookup column description Requested location, as a Location reference
    Related table display settings
    Display option Use plural name
    Display area Details
    Display order 10000
    Type of behavior Referential
    Delete Remove link
  14. Repeat these steps for the following relationships on the Service Request Reason Code table.

    Property Value
    Related (One) Service Request
    Lookup column display name Service Request
    Lookup column name msemr_servicerequestid
    Lookup column requirement Business Required
    Searchable checked
    Relationship name msemr_servicerequest_reasoncode_parent_servicerequest
    Lookup column description Parent service request
    Related table display settings
    Display option Use plural name
    Display area Details
    Display order 10000
    Type of behavior Referential
    Delete Remove link
    Property Value
    Related (One) Codeable Concept
    Lookup column display name Reason Code
    Lookup column name msemr_reasoncodeid
    Lookup column requirement Business Required
    Searchable checked
    Relationship name msemr_servicerequest_reasoncode_codeableconcept
    Lookup column description Explanation/Justification for procedure or service
    Related table display settings
    Display option Use plural name
    Display area Details
    Display order 10000
    Type of behavior Referential
    Delete Remove link
  15. Repeat these steps for the following relationships on the Service Request Category table.

    Property Value
    Related (One) Service Request
    Lookup column display name Service Request
    Lookup column name msemr_servicerequestid
    Lookup column requirement Business Required
    Searchable checked
    Relationship name msemr_servicerequest_category_parent_servicerequest
    Lookup column description Parent service request
    Related table display settings
    Display option Use plural name
    Display area Details
    Display order 10000
    Type of behavior Referential
    Delete Remove link
    Property Value
    Related (One) Codeable Concept
    Lookup column display name Category
    Lookup column name msemr_categoryid
    Lookup column requirement Business Required
    Searchable checked
    Relationship name msemr_servicerequest_category_codeableconcept
    Lookup column description Classification of service
    Related table display settings
    Display option Use plural name
    Display area Details
    Display order 10000
    Type of behavior Referential
    Delete Remove link
  16. Navigate to the main overview area of the Service Request solution. In the main menu, select Publish all customizations.

Update Codeable Concept Type global Choice list

The new table Lookup columns reference the shared Codeable Concept table. You need to add a new item to the Codeable Concept Type list of Choices.

  1. In the left navigation, select Objects > Choices.

  2. Select Codeable Concept Type from the list to edit.

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the list and select New choice.

    Screenshot shows how to create a new choice.

  4. Enter Service Request Category Codes.

  5. Select Save.

  6. Navigate to the main overview under the Service Request solution and in the main menu select Publish all customizations.

Up Next

The expansion tables for Service Request should now be part of the Service Request Solution and all relate to the Parent Service Request table. In the next exercise, you'll update the Service Request table to include multi-column lookup fields.