Update a project


The following summary describes the fields that you can update on a project after it has been created, including the applicable implications of the updates.

  • Using the Project detail fields to define and manage:
    • Name - The title of the project.
    • Description - An overview of the project.
    • Customer - The company that the project will be delivered to.
    • Calendar template - The working hours of the project. When the field is changed, the entire schedule is recalculated.
    • Currency - The currency for the project. This field defaults based on the currency that is defined in the contracting unit. When the contracting unit is updated, the field is also updated.
    • Contracting Unit - The organizational unit that represents the company group or division that is primarily responsible for winning the sale and managing the delivery of work and services to the customer.
    • Project Manager - The project team member who has the authority to review and approve time entries and expenses.
  • Estimate fields to support planning and decision making:
    • Estimated Start Date - The date that the project will begin. When this field is updated, tasks on the project will move proportionately with the new start date.
    • Finish Date - The date that the project is scheduled to end.
    • Effort - The estimated effort of the project. When tasks are added to the project, this field is no longer editable.
    • Estimated Labor Cost - The estimated labor cost of the project. When labor costs are added to the project, this field is no longer editable.
    • Estimated Expenses - The estimated expenses of the project. When expenses are added to the project, this field is no longer editable.
  • Project actual fields to capture real-time data and outcomes:
    • Actual Start - The date that the project started.
    • Actual Finish - To be updated when a project has been completed.
  • Project status fields to provide updates:
    • Overall Project Status - The overall project health, which is provided by the project manager.
    • Comments - A narrative regarding