Exercise - Write your first line of F# code


In this exercise, we write our first line of F# code, which prints the message Hello World to the console.

Start F# Interactive

  1. Open a command prompt

  2. Enter the following .NET CLI command into the command prompt

    dotnet fsi

    When the F# Interactive terminal opens, you should see something similar to the following output:

    Microsoft (R) F# Interactive version for F# 5.0
    Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
    For help type #help;;

Write your first line of code

Add the following line of code next to the > character in the F# Interactive terminal

printfn "Hello World!";;

The code is evaluated and similar output displays on the console:

Hello World!
val it : unit = ()

Congratulations! You've written your first line of F# code!

(Optional) Write a script

  1. Create a file called hello-world.fsx and open it in Visual Studio Code.

  2. Add the following code to the hello-world.fsx file.

    printfn "Hello World!"
  3. Run the script using the dotnet fsi command.

    dotnet fsi hello-world.fsx

    Running the script produces the following output:

    Hello World!

Congratulations! You wrote your first script!