Imagine you're on a mission to find the best pizza place in town. You might use a search engine like Bing for this task. But what if there's a service that can not only identify the best pizza place but also explain why it's the best based on your preferences? This distinction highlights the difference between a search engine and a reasoning engine.
In this module, you examine the functionality of both search and reasoning engines. You explore their processes of crawling the web, indexing discovered information, and ranking results to present the most relevant answers. Additionally, you learn how reasoning engines take those processes further by comprehending and reasoning with the acquired information.
You'll also be introduced to the essential tools and techniques for effectively using reasoning engines. Get ready to learn how to create effective prompts, critique established best practices, and understand the important role of critical thinking in maximizing this new technology.
By the end of this course, you'll have a foundational understanding of search engines and reasoning engines and how to use them. Whether you aim to enhance your search capabilities or grasp the future of AI, this course offers valuable insights.