When you work on an application, you write code to implement business requirements. For the sake of speed and reliability, you and your team Don't write all the code yourselves. You rely on external code: libraries that someone else wrote.
One way to approach building your app with external libraries is to use existing libraries from which you can download and to which you can possibly even add. By using these libraries, you're able to finish building your app sooner and take it to market faster than the competition. Another benefit to using libraries might be to ensure that your app follows recommended practices for authentication and authorization. After all, protecting your data and your customers' data is a significant concern.
In this module, you use the .NET command-line tool and the NuGet package registry to add libraries to your application code. You also learn about managing updates and mitigating issues.
Learning objectives
After you complete this module, you're able to:
- Initialize .NET projects.
- Add packages to and remove packages from a .NET project.
- Manage your package dependencies and update them in a predictable way.
- Local installations of the .NET SDK and Visual Studio Code
- C# extension for Visual Studio Code
- Experience with using the command line