

This module walks you through Blazor and introduces the following concepts:

  • Blazor component fundamentals
  • How to get started with the Blazor Web App project template
  • How to construct and use a layout for a Blazor component
  • How to react to user interactions

We accomplish the above goals by writing a classic four-in-a-row "Connect Four" game that runs in your browser.

Scenario - build a "Connect Four" game

You're a developer at a company building computer game. You decide to evaluate Blazor by building a game with it.

In this game, two players alternate taking turns placing a game piece (typically a checker) in the top of the board. Game pieces fall to the lowest row of a column and the player that places four game pieces to make a line horizontally, vertically, or diagonally wins.

What will I learn?

You'll learn how to:

  • Create a Blazor web app.
  • Manage state to your app.
  • Customize appearance using CSS.
  • Build a "Connect Four" game.

What is the main objective?

To learn how to build an app in Blazor while learning its main concepts.