Exercise - Generate compliance reports for an annotated cloud-native app


Your compliance team has asked you to produce compliance reports for all the projects in your app.

In the exercise you'll learn how to:

  • Add the Microsoft.Extensions.AuditReports NuGet package to the relevant projects.
  • Edit the project files to include compliance report settings.
  • Test and review the reports.

Add the audit reports package

You should still have the codespace or Visual Studio code window open. If not, open it now.

  1. In the TERMINAL window, enter this command:

    cd /workspaces/mslearn-dotnet-cloudnative/dotnet-compliance/eShopLite/Store/
  2. Add the Microsoft.Extensions.AuditReports NuGet package to the project:

    dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.AuditReports
  3. In the EXPLORER pane, expand the dotnet-compliance/eShopLite/Store folder, then select the Store.csproj file.

  4. In the editor, add the following code to the PropertyGroup section:


    The above code tells the compiler to generate a compliance report for this project and to save the ComplianceReport.json file to a folder called ComplianceReport/Store in the parent folder.

Repeat these steps for the DataEntities project.

  1. In the TERMINAL window, enter this command:

    cd /workspaces/mslearn-dotnet-cloudnative/dotnet-compliance/eShopLite/DataEntities/
  2. Add the Microsoft.Extensions.AuditReports NuGet package to the project:

    dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.AuditReports
  3. In the EXPLORER pane, expand the dotnet-compliance/eShopLite/DataEntities folder, then select the DataEntities.csproj file.

  4. In the editor, add the following code to the PropertyGroup section:


    The above code tells the compiler to generate a compliance report for this project and to save the ComplianceReport.json file to a folder called ComplianceReport/DataEntities in the parent folder.

Build the app

  1. In the TERMINAL window, enter this command:

    cd /workspaces/mslearn-dotnet-cloudnative/dotnet-compliance/eShopLite/
  2. Build the app:

    dotnet build

    The above command builds the app and generates the compliance reports.

  3. In the EXPLORER pane, expand the dotnet-compliance/eShopLite/ folder, then select the ComplianceReport folder.

  4. Open the DataEntities folder, then open the ComplianceReport.json file.

  5. Review the contents.

  6. Open the Store folder, then open the ComplianceReport.json file.

  7. Review the contents.

You've now seen how to classify data, redact sensitive date from log files, and generate compliance reports for your app.