Develop learners’ presentation skills with Speaker Progress


Communication is the core of human interaction. We're constantly communicating, and we rely on communication to share our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Communication also deepens learning. Albert Einstein once said,

Only when we understand something deeply are we able to explain it simply.

As a result, in today's workforce, communication skills are highly valued, and companies often seek employees who have strong presentation skills. In 2022, although 98.5% of employers ranked communication skills as "very important" or "extremely important," the same employers believed that only 54.3% of college graduates were either "very proficient" or "extremely proficient" in this skill.1

Additionally, while hard skills once outweighed soft skills in job searches, employers now value soft skills just as much. Companies are continually adding soft skills like persuasion and presentation to their job requirements.2 Learners must practice these presentation and persuasion skills to be ready when they enter the workforce.

Educators know that presentation skills are important. To develop these skills, learners must practice presenting regularly, which requires a significant time commitment. Unfortunately, most educators don't feel they have enough class time to dedicate to learners' practice or to provide personalized feedback when learners practice presenting.

Additionally, public speaking is a common fear. When educators assign presentations to learners, it frequently causes anxiety. Educators can help ease learners' anxiety by encouraging practice presentations and offering feedback. But, once again, class time constraints interfere with these practice sessions.

Speaker Progress is a Learning Accelerator educators can use to solve these challenges. Speaker Progress helps educators develop confident presenters with tools that help reduce learner anxiety and provide real-time coaching.

With Speaker Progress, educators assign a practice presentation through Microsoft Teams assignments. Learners then complete the practice presentation and receive real-time coaching during and after the presentation. Speaker Progress uses artificial intelligence (AI) to provide learners with real-time feedback on:

  • Pacing
  • Pitch
  • Body language
  • Visual cues
  • Filler words
  • Informal language
  • Euphemisms
  • Culturally sensitive terms
  • Monotone levels
  • Wordiness

When learners finish practicing, their results are automatically uploaded to Education Insights. Educators can review and analyze rich insights on the practice assignments and return the assignment to learners. Educators can then track learners' progress over time and identify areas for improvement at the individual level.

Speaker Progress:

  • Helps learners build confidence and ease presentation anxiety by letting them practice in private. They receive real-time feedback and insights with AI-based tips and guidance to develop a persuasive presentation.
  • Saves educators time by streamlining the process of creating, reviewing, and analyzing learners' speaking and presentation assignments.
  1. Competencies: Employers weigh importance versus new grad proficiency (
  2. The top 10 in-demand soft skills to learn in 2024, based on research (