Exercise - Convert an event handler to a command


In this exercise, swap back to the "movie list" app you worked with in the previous exercise. This time, you convert the Delete menu's event handler to a command.

Download and run the sample


If you are planning to run and debug your .NET MAUI apps on Android from Windows, it's best to clone or download the exercise content to a short folder path, such as C:\dev\, to avoid build-generated files exceeding the maximum path length.

This project displays a list of movies. Clicking on a movie navigates to a detail page with more information about the movie.

  1. Clone or download the exercise repo.
  2. Navigate to the part6-exercise2 folder and open the MovieCatalog.sln solution.
  3. Build and run the project to make sure it works. When the screen is displayed, you should see a list of movies. Right-click on one of the listed movies and the app navigates to a detail page.

Examine the code

Open the MovieCatalog solution and open the Views\MovieListPage.xaml file. The ListView presents an item for each movie in the bound Movies collection. Each item defines a context menu to delete a movie:

        <TextCell Text="{Binding Title}" x:DataType="vm:MovieViewModel">
                <MenuItem Text="Delete" IsDestructive="True" Clicked="MenuItem_Clicked" />

When the menu item is clicked, the MenuItem_Clicked method is invoked and the movie is removed. The binding context of the menu item is the current movie, the MovieViewModel class. But the code for removing a movie is on the app's main viewmodel MovieListViewModel. The event handler considers this fact as it gets the menu item's binding context and sends it to the viewmodel's DeleteMovie method:

private void MenuItem_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
    MenuItem menuItem = (MenuItem)sender;
    ViewModels.MovieViewModel movie = (ViewModels.MovieViewModel)menuItem.BindingContext;

Add a command

The first step in converting the event handler to a command is adding the command to the viewmodel. This command accepts a movie and removes it from the collection.

  1. In the Solution Explorer window, open the ViewModels\MovieListViewModel.cs file.

  2. Add the following property to the MovieListViewModel class:

    public ICommand DeleteMovieCommand { get; private set; }
  3. Next, find the MovieListViewModel constructor and instantiate the command:

    public MovieListViewModel()
        Movies = [];
        DeleteMovieCommand = new Command<MovieViewModel>(DeleteMovie);

    The DeleteMovie method already exists and accepts a MovieViewModel parameter. The command wraps that method and exposes it on the viewmodel.

  4. Open the Views\MoviesListPage.xaml file.

  5. Update the MenuItem to binding the Command parameter to the DeleteMovieCommand. Pass the current binding context as the CommandParameter.

    <MenuItem Text="Delete"
              Command="{Binding DeleteMovieCommand, Source={x:Static local:App.MainViewModel}}"
              CommandParameter="{Binding}" />

    Notice that the Clicked event handler was removed from the MenuItem.

    The Source of the binding context is set to the app's main viewmodel, just like the page itself is. The binding context of the MenuItem remains the movie, and is passed to the CommandParameter.

  6. Open the code-behind file for the view, Views\MoviesListPage.xaml.cs, and remove the MenuItem_Clicked code.

  7. Run the app and right-click or long-press one of the movies. Select Delete from the context menu. The movie is deleted from the list.