

In the modules Deploy consistent infrastructure in Azure by using ARM templates and Deploy to multiple Azure environments by using ARM template features, you learned the basics of creating JSON Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates.

In this module, you focus on how you deploy templates. You start by deploying a local template, and then deploy an external template staged in GitHub. You learn how to deploy a template that links to other external templates. Finally, you learn how to automate template deployment by integrating it with your continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline.


Bicep is a language for defining your Azure resources. It has a simpler authoring experience than JSON, along with other features that help improve the quality of your infrastructure as code. We recommend that anyone new to infrastructure as code on Azure use Bicep instead of JSON. To learn about Bicep, see the Fundamentals of Bicep learning path.

Learning objectives

After completing this module, you're able to:

  • Choose the best way to deploy JSON ARM templates, based on your needs.
  • Modularize your templates by using linked templates.
  • Deploy templates from a GitHub Actions workflow.
