Monitor the status of APIs


You can use GetExecutionSummaryStatus for both import and export jobs. This is used to check the status of a data project run job. This API is applicable to cloud deployments and on-premises deployments. Keep in mind that the file remains in the Blob storage for seven days, and then it is automatically deleted.

To check the status of the API, use GetExecutionSummaryStatus and then specify the executionId.

For example:

POST /data/DataManagementDefinitionGroups/Microsoft.Dynamics.DataEntities.GetExecutionSummaryStatus

A JSON successful response message is sent and the execution status is displayed. There are several outputs you might receive in this message:

  • Unknown – The execution status can't be determined, possibly due to missing or invalid information.
  • NotRun – The job was created, but is not started execution.
  • Executing - The job is currently in progress and actively being processed.
  • Succeeded – The job completed without errors.
  • PartiallySucceeded – The job completed, but some parts encountered issues or errors, resulting in partial success.
  • Failed – The job couldn't be completed due to errors or issues encountered during execution.
  • Canceled – The job is manually stopped or interrupted before it could finish.