Entity relationship diagram


The entity relationship diagram (ERD) serves as a visual representation of data relationships, helping you understand the structure, dependencies, and interactions between entities. It provides clarity on customizations and standard table usage, making it easier for you to review and refine the data model.

You can copy and paste the ERD in the entity relationship diagram slide of the template. This presentation will provide the solution architect with an overview of the customizations in the system and will help them discover the design and implemented functionalities. Based on the information provided, the solution architect will make a recommendation of identified areas of risk or potential improvement.

Diagram best practices

Best practices that you should follow when using the entity relationship diagram are:

  • Use consistent and meaningful names for tables and fields to improve maintainability.
  • Ensure proper indexing to enhance query performance and reduce system load.
  • Design the ERD to support future growth by planning for additional fields, relationships, and potential integrations.
  • Where possible, avoid too many depth levels in a data model to avoid complex queries. 
  • Avoid data duplication; every piece of data should only have one location. Rather than duplicating the same data between multiple tables, functionality like quick view forms and displaying related table data in views should be used.
  • Use the ERD relationships to review and identify potential cascading behaviors that could impact business logic. For example, with parental relationships, permissions like Assign, Share, Unshare, Reparent, Delete, and Merge will automatically happen to related records when a parent record is updated.