Exercise – Create a fixed compensation plan


In this exercise, you'll create a fixed compensation plan.

  1. In Finance and operations apps, go to Human resources > Compensation > Fixed compensation > Compensation grids.

  2. Enter the following values for the new compensation grid:

    • Grid - BandN

    • Description - Band North Region

    • Type - Band

    • Reference setup - Bands

    • Currency - USD

    • Effective date - 4/1/2021

    • Expiration date - Never

    Screenshot of the compensation grid in Human Resources.

  3. Select Save and close the page. Now, you'll create a new fixed compensation plan and assign the grid you just set up to the plan.

  4. Go to Human resources > Compensation > Fixed compensation > Fixed compensation plans.

  5. Select New in the Action Pane.

  6. In the Plan field, enter BandN. In the Description field, enter Band North Region.

  7. In Effective date, select 1/1/2021 and then leave the value of Expiration date as Never.

  8. In Type, select Band, and in Hire rule, select None.

  9. In Currency, select USD, and in Pay rate conversion, select Annual.

  10. Select Save.

  11. Select Set up compensation on the navigation pane.


  13. In Grid, select BandN.

  14. Select OK.

  15. On the Compensation structure page, set up the grid with the values shown in the following screenshot.

    Screenshot of entering values in the Compensation structure page.

  16. Select Save.

  17. Return to the Fixed compensation plans page.

  18. In Control point, select Mid.

  19. Select Save.