Maintenance status calculation


In Asset Management, you can make calculations that provide a review that is defined by a specific period for new, active, and completed maintenance requests, work orders, and maintenance downtime activities. You can also see the number of completed condition assessments for the same period.

Use the following calculation to get an overview of your workload for incoming and completed maintenance requests and work orders.

To make a maintenance status calculation, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Asset management > Inquiries > Maintenance status.
  2. In the Calculate status dialog box, select the time range that you want to make the calculation for in the From date and To date fields.
  3. The Level field assigns how detailed you want the maintenance lines to be for functional locations.
    • 1 = All locations in a multi-level functional location will be added together and shown in the top-level functional location.
    • 0 = All detailed values of all multi-level lines of the functional location will be shown.
  4. Select OK to start the calculation.
  5. The Group by buttons allow you to define the required detail level. The selected Group by buttons include Group by date, Group by functional location, and Group by asset. Under each button, you can choose how to define them. For example, under Group by date, you can select to group by Week.
  6. Select the Update button to update the calculation each time you make changes by activating or deactivating Group by buttons or by making a calculation for a new period.
  7. Select Status if you want to create a new maintenance status calculation.

Asset management > Inquiries > Maintenance status

Screenshot of the Maintenance status page.


The results that are shown in the Maintenance status area include only those maintenance requests and work orders that have an actual start and time assigned. The End date and End time fields might be blank.