Bringing operations data to a digital twin extends the mixed-reality experience from a visualization-only situation to a rich, data-driven immersive experience. Often, data is in disparate silos within organizations. Engineers, scientists, and operators struggle to assemble a complete narrative around an asset. The solution you built demonstrates the ability to connect remote assets to Azure Digital Twins, providing an immersive mixed-reality experience. By combining Microsoft software, Azure cloud services, and the Unity platform with the mixed-reality devices, you created a digital twin experience that provides the right data, in the right context, at the right time.
Connecting right-time data to 3D assets using Azure Digital Twins involves many steps. You can semi-automate creating the required Azure services and configuration by using ARM templates. The ARM templates, through Bicep scripting, automate creating key Azure resource groups and resources, simplifying their creation and configuration, permitting standardizing and large-scale distributions within organizations. Live operations data is often high volume, rapidly changing, and diverse. Azure IoT and Azure Digital Twins services help the ingestion and connectivity of your digital twins in Unity to provide a connected, immersive, and timely data experience.
Observing streaming data in an immersive setting can be powerful. You can observe and experience data patterns and correlations in mixed reality as opposed to inferring them from tabular data and reports. By connecting a digital twin to Azure Digital Twins, you can identify anomalies and take action directly from within mixed reality.
Now that you've completed this module, you can clean up your resources in Azure.
- Sign in with Azure CLI
- Azure SignalR Service
- Azure Functions
- IoT concepts and Azure IoT Hub
- Azure Resource Manager overview
- ScriptableObject
- Architect for Events
- Addressables
- Get Started with Addressables